Wills & Inheritance.

If you have assets in Spain it is highly recommended to draw a separate Spanish will for your Spanish assets only.

Wills in Spain are signed before a Public Notary who will keep the original document giving a copy to the client. It is very important to sign a will in order to ease the inheritance process. In the case you can not come to Spain to sign your will, please do contact us to assist you according to your circumstances.

The inheritance process of residents in Spain will be ruled by the succession rules of the country where the deceased had his/her residence. The law of the nationality can be appointed when drawing a will. If this does not happen, the Spanish succession regulation may apply.

The inheritance taxation is an issue that worries many clients. This tax changes depending on the area in Spain where the person lives and whether the way to declare it is different depending on residency status. The particular circumstances will need to be reviewed in each case.

In the case there is no will the inheritance will be processed all the same signing a “declaración de herederos” which is a notarial document that state who the heirs are; our legal team has a wide experience in all inheritance issues and can certainly advise the best way to proceed.

If you have received an inheritance in Spain we can do all the process without you having to come to the country. It can easily be done without the need to travel to the country. A power of attorney signed in your country can be perfectly valid to be used in Spain. We can guide you through the process to avoid unnecessary journeys.

Clients may also consider to sign a “living will” specifying their wishes and their care in the case of incapacity. Please contact us for further information.