
We are a leading tax advice bureau offering reliable and professional tax service in the Costa Blanca.

We tailor our services to the needs of our clients and their businesses. We are fully regulated to provide taxation advice and we are proud of the high standard service we offer.

Taxation is one of our areas of expertise and we offer multiple taxation services.

Whether you are resident or non resident in Spain L&A Solicitors tax professionals will help you to define your fiscal status.

In the case of fiscal residents we can help with the double taxation agreement and the corresponding annual income tax returns. There are also reliefs and exemptions that can be normally missed by ordinary public without an updated tax knowledge.

In the case of non residents with a property in the country ( regardless of nationality ) we offer our fiscal representation service to take care of their non residents taxes and their local rates (SUMA).

Self employment and S.L. companies taxation is a highly requested service in our tax department. Clients know it is essential to have good professional advice to avoid discrepancies with the tax office. Ignorance of the tax law is no excuse!.

The members of our fiscal team are experts on all types of taxation; inheritance taxes, local taxes such as plusvalia, discrepancies with SUMA (IBI) and the local rates, as well as property taxes such as the transfer tax , such as the VAT and the non residents retention, capital gains tax and the tax to pay when renting a property.

We have a wide experience in dealing with claims, allegations and requirements presented to the tax office for may different tax issues as well as other minor issues such as obtaining fiscal certificates issued by the tax office.